Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Doesn't crabs have 2 teams?

Yep, basically Crabs-Regular and Crabs-Ex Preds
Did all the best Preds players really leave for Crabs?

Some stayed, some left (not just for crabs), and some that were not the best even left too (crabs B team)
Preds is the worst organization out there. Cant believe they infested Maryland. Theyre the laughing stock rag tag bunch of wanna bes in their home market who is the fool that bought in to bringing them south? Run now they literally only get worse and communicate less.

Someone is really bitter they were told to leave the Talk of Baltimore Predators . What happened, their attempt to give all players some playing hurt little Johnny's and your entitled dreams of playing the entire game. Couldnt take it. Tough when a team wants to improve all the players, not just your delusional D1 player and Daddy.