Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]Anyone have any details on FCA vs BLC? How did FCA look, wondering if the new players made an impact. FCA or Hawks has to be the favorite for the 'ship.

FCA fogos made the difference, I think BLC won one FO the entire game. That said was close than expected. FCA looks good, BLC looks improved as well.[/quote
How man VLC helmets added to BLC's team?

looked like three

Was at the game in the miserable pouring weather. Let's be honest the new players on FCA make a huge difference. Pure size and athleticism of their new players (mostly holdbacks) is going to make a world of a difference. Most of their scoring was just off of bigger, stronger, faster, dodges....rather than offensive chemistry or flow. FCA was up by a lot, and then played a bunch of people in the second half that led to the score getting a little closer, but FCA still dominated every part of the game. FCA's offense has a ton of weapons, their FOGO is very good, the defense is average, and goalies are both average (I believe the starter is actually a 2029?).

If you look at their midfield and compare #77 to #1 there is literally a foot and a half and probably 50 pound difference. That's not to take anything away from #1 as he is a very skilled player.......just hilarious to see the difference in size at this age.

yeah 77 was big and had good speed dodging across top side, good velocity on his shot. I'll stay out of the holdback discussion, that topic's been done to death, will just say he's a pretty good player and teams will need to account for him in there. I think FCA had one other bigger kid but other than that I didn't get the sense they had a massive size advantage. Just crisper with the ball, fewer mistakes, and really stellar FOGO play. That said BLC was within one goal as late as the 3rd qtr. FCA first half goalie was strong IMO. Weather was absolute LaxinItUp.
The best Middie from the 2027 FCA team dropped down, I think #13 or 14. He’s their best all around player, IMO. Was a student at 27 I’m told, and was dominant in the fall at the 2028 level.
Very impressive if BLC was within one goal in the 3rd. That would lead me to believe that Hawks have the upper hand in elite.

BLC is much improved. Could be in the fight for 4th in elite behind FCA Hawks and NL.

ML is in free fall and crabs look the same as last year so 4th spot is wide open.
Needless to say, this post has not aged well.