Originally Posted by Anonymous
crabs are getting a new coach

Hawks are getting more holdbacks

91 is attempting to recruit anyone with a pulse

Madlax will start to see more player defections

FCA will have 5400 kids at tryouts

Kelly post is going to implode

Next level will continue to recruit midfield help

VLC will move up to AAAA and probably win it next year

Preds remain talk of Baltimore

True Annapolis loses more talent

BLC wins 2 games next year - a 100% improvement

LOL this is fantastic and accurate.

I was very curious to watch the Kelly Post "elite experiment" and wondered if it would end up costing them talent in the end. I guess we'll see in about 6 weeks. Sideline chatter at the other Towson area clubs has been that "KP is going to fold" which makes no sense, given their huge base of players across age groups and their financial backing from True.

And honestly where would this mass defection of KP players go in Towson that is not a downgrade, aside from some very limited spots at Crabs and FCA Blue. Everywhere else (FCA White, 91, HLC, Predators, Koopers (who has no 2028 team at all)) are all downgrades from KP's current level of "elite adjacent."