Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Can't believe neither express team put out a productive season in Hocob

Orange team stranger really. In Elite, the goal differentials of the teams from first to last go:

+48, +45, +22, +1, -9, -13 (DCEB), -28, -66

So consistent what what you'd expect from the standings/team records.

In AAA they go:

+44, +27, +12, -12, -8, -29, -2 (DCEO), -32

Ending with a 1-5-1 record with only a -2 goal differential is weird.
Against those top 3 teams in AAA, DCEO had a -3 goal differential with two OT games.

Let's focus on teams that won more than one game and are still playing.

Yes, how dare people discuss what interests them and not you.

No one is forcing you to read any of this, dude.