Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I have a son on ML 28 and I don't even know if the "guest" players are playing at the PT tournament. So how in God's name do you know? Also, I just checked the rosters and the 2 individuals in question are in fact on the roster which means they paid and are part of the team. It's not a secret.

Re the 4Leaf kid and "his friend"...I have to assume you are the Chad wearing the copious amounts of pastels playing for 4Leaf at Naptown? Um, no. 4Leaf wasn't there. You were playing on another team you paid to be part of for the summer tournaments. Get a life.

Lastly, re the schedule. PT is not a Madlax tourney so how is CM rigging the system? Please tell me how that is possible and what proof do you have showing that?

I love to rip on ML but this guy is correct for the most part.
If these kids are in the roster, how are they guest players? Sounds like they play for ML when they can. Someone said they played with them in Orlando, again this summer, maybe they’ll play with them in the fall. I’m no expert on 6th grade lacrisse, but sounds like these 2 kids are legitimate members of this team.

Do any NL or Hawks kids play for other teams? JM3, Team 18, Nationals LC, etc? Would that make those teams “shady?” Again, no expert, but it sounds like those boys and their parents see some benefit in their boys playing additional lacrosse with an elite level team. Heck, a kid from New Hampshire needs to travel to get decent competition. Either way, if you want to accuse kids of being mercenaries, whatever. But tough to say that a program is shady for having 2 out of town kids ON THE PERMANENT ROSTER.
By the way— BBL Black is NOT the team that was at Naptown. That was “BBL National.” Kids from sister program… good for them. Pull in some great players to make them better. Love that.

Couple of the top Hawks players play with JM3.

There are Hawks (Green and Black), FCA (Blue and White), and NL (upper team) players on Team 18. And I believe players from all 3 of those clubs on Nationals, but not sure.

No Crabs (not allowed to play for others), no ML that I have seen at 2028 "mercenary teams."

Who cares if kids play for other teams? Guess what— it might actually make them better!! Hard to imagine why they’d want to do that.

It's much like the criticism of holdbacks. Would the sport be better at the youth level if everybody was playing "for their hometown" and there were no out of town ringers or holdbacks? Well of course! Probably. Maybe. But in the meantime, the sport is what it is, and playing opportunities are what they are. If my son wasn't getting PT at his "home club" (whatever that means anymore) and he was offered a spot to "drop in" at a tournament, why would we NOT do that (in combination with increasing his workout regimen and also finding a new "home club" probably).