Originally Posted by Anonymous
Still no takers? It’s been days since my original invitation to fess up on an anonymous forum about your reclassed son. And still nobody has fessed up. Not one person has the guts to say “I reclassed my son.”
Reclassed lacrosse players who were reclassed for the purpose of making up for athletic inability are not good enough to compete on age. I have yet to be proven wrong.
You people are the minority. You people have ruined club lacrosse. Pathetic.

Another weirdo obsessed with underage boys. Every single wannabe that comes in here to complain about young boys playing lacrosse is getting labeled a pe-do going forward. Screaming on a message board.. anonymously about young children. Let that sink in.

People have mentioned it before. You might think you are anonymous, but there are many avenues to explore cyber bullying. And laws that allow for the forensic research to circumvent privacy agreements etc etc. my company does this for a living. This is a quick way to get sued.