Originally Posted by Anonymous
Disgusting display of sportsmanship at Mhs during first round of playoffs to run the score up 22 to 2. Who does that... Daddy ball coach. What are they teaching the boys. Did the eighth graders from the club team they brought up for the playoffs score so they can say they played varsity lax for 5 years with stats to prove it. I guess lax is all about bringing in money for the club team and use the kids to draw more boys to the program. they should all be fired. The MHS parents should be proud of themselves for not saying something to the AD and school board. Again Disgusting display of restraint, and lack of sportsmanship. Just goes to show you they are classless coaches.

“Daddy coaches” dude stop, your team got smoked. It happens. Don’t like the score? Get better. It’s not the other teams responsibility, try notifying your own AD about the horrible coaching Hicksville has. Worry about your own. Clown