Originally Posted by Anonymous
The statement with SA was ducking LI teams. They have a strong schedule, no doubt, but lack the current LI power public's. They do have perrenial powers Manhassett and Syosett , not their fault they aren't a top team the past couple years. they usually schedule WM for a preseason scrimmage. Since their schedule is a last minute project why not flip some scrimmages and in seasons. To ensure the strongest are scheduled.

As far as the WM WI game, close yes, but that's the holiday week trap game. They survived. Let's see how the Contq HHE SW games goes. Then another trap game to end the season.

Club vs town.
Although Club has gotten out of control and towns need to get the boys for two tournya a summer. I am not sure you can name 4 top guys on many teams that aren't associated to a club team. A few towns do that the right way, but let's be clear noone keeps the better players from the $clubs.

Remember where it started and have those HS boys (especially star players) give some time back to the youth teams. If it wasn't a positive experience for yours then don't let that happen to these young kids. Get involved. Driving by practice pop in, if just to say hello and give some high fives. (Regardless if public or private HS player)

Get involved with youth programs, Best way is getting the boys to be ball boys 4/5/6th graders.


Close public game=trap game. Are there trap games for the top ranked catholics or do they get criticized for only winning by 2-3 goals (see 261968)
What town "does that the right way". The best players from the towns all play club.
PAL...not a bad idea
Enjoy your day