Originally Posted by Anonymous
On Bay Shore goals that were waived off, first on at end of half was so tough to tell in person if shot beat the horn. Refs don’t have luxury of video so it’s tough to fault them on that one. 2nd one in 4th they clearly blew as per Newsday picture, but they ended up scoring right after so it really only cost them 20 seconds or so. And the last one in 4th that was waved off the Bay Shore cutter ran right thru the crease before shot, wasn’t even close. Bottom line is Bay Shore didn’t capitalize on many of their chances and West Islip did on their back half of 3rd qtr. But it wasn’t like refs blatantly robbed BS.

Regarding the dad who thinks his son has been robbed of points every year, you do realize Newsday stats are dependent on winning team calling in stats kept usually by kids doing the score book at scorers table. So if your son lost yesterday, it was the winning teams score girls who you have a problem with and not your sons coach. And I’m sure all the teachers involved in teaching your son will take pride in other attributes your son may have and really couldn’t care less about the about the box score in Newsday. Nor will the 4th grader, trust me. Might be time to rearrange priorities.

Bottom line, Bay Shore lost a game against a talented West Islip team. Both schools had their chances, West Islip capitalized on their chances.

As far as stays, yes winning team is responsible for the numbers you see in the papers or websites. But a coach from each team is responsible for signing off the winning teams book, correct?

The dad you mention is passionate for all the boys not just his own. Let's not go there. Had it been him and you know him he would have be steamming about another issue. Many are upset about the issue not the kid. It's very unsportsmanlike and on coaches.