Originally Posted by Anonymous
So which team / person had the most disappointing ending to their season?

A) St Anthony Team - forfeited season
B) illegal player for Friars
C) st ants parents who tried to reclass / manipulate the system with theis son
D) player who's mommy who ratted out st ants player
E) mommy wh complained so her son could play
AB) Syosset team
AC) suspended Syosset goalie
AD) big mouth braggadocio Syosset dads
AE) soon to be former Syosset head coach


F) Massapequa kids failing out freshman year and transferring to Nassau CC. Some of those kids can't even play for Nassau (academic reasons.) What Massapequa lax player ever made an impact on a college team, I mean before failing out??? I guess those kids can get a job checking beach passes at TOBAY (as long as they become registered republicans and become part of the TOB corruption.)