Originally Posted by Anonymous
holdbacks is your answer. You have to be part of the problem in America today. SA was out worked by a more talented team. If it wasn’t for the SA goalie the score would have been 20 to 3. They were constantly caught in transition because their star players didn’t hustle back. Awful job by the SA coach. 2/3 of his top midfield line are attackmen and their lack of speed showed. There defense was brutal because they don’t communicate. Not sure what that has to do with holdbacks.
SA coach doesn’t play prep schools because of holdbacks so SJ can’t be that bad and not sure if you know but they have quite a few holdbacks on their team. Take the loss with some grace

SA has holdbacks too so stop.
You lost 11-5 AT HOME and it wasnt even that close. 6 goal difference is hold backs? How about working on the clear where you turned if over way too many times.
Shot clock is a better excuse than hold backs. They play with that down south so not being used to that impacted St Anthony's. Youre obviously not ready for college lax if youre still on about holdbacks and cant run a time offense.
Big Tasty stood on his head. You faced the best goalie in the country who is a junior. So even if he were a holdback he should be a senior. Similarly the attackman that gave you fits is a sophomore.
Is this the coaches talk? this is what St Anthony said to their players "dont worry boys, we dont usually play prep schools because they are older than you. Youll be fine in the world and we would have won if they only played Seniors who are really Senios, cant play Sophomores or Juniors because they are older."