Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Lacrosse is a MAJOR help for a service academy or an IVY. Think 1250 SAT 89-90 average and going to Harvard or Yale. Anyone else needs 1450+ and 98. Same thing with service academies...Getting into Navy (in particular) or West Point (to a lesser extent) without a sport is as hard as getting into a top Ivy. Kids with 85 averages going to service academy prep school and then onto an academy. They are doing an extra year and would not pass the laugh test without lacrosse. So keep practicing boys.....It helps!!!

This is completely inaccurate.

It is actually pretty spot on….

Anybody who has a kid that was not good enough for a coach to push through the admission process when his grades were not good enough to get into a particular college will never understand and will never agree with you that kids can have significantly lower grades and still get into great schools with lacrosse helping them. Simply put , the better the player the less grades matter. The less talent the player has the more grades matter. Parents of the less talented recruits will not understand this and will argue that grades matter. Grades do matter to a certain extent but the above quote is accurate.

It is incorrect.