15 out of 23 were either Express or Catholic(even if 91) the remaining 8 were all 91, With that being said how is it a fair process if 65% of the team are Chan favors or at least partial ones. How do you encourage kids from other schools or clubs to tryout and in the end isn't this all about money. UA I presume gets the tryout money so if less and less kids tryout that will be reflective in the revenue and Chan uses this to dangle in front of prospective young players to join the evil empire therefore collecting "tuition" for the next 4-5 years. It sounds complicit too me, so in the end it's up to parents if they choose to throw away the 2 days and $200. The only great thing is if your kid shows well and doesn't get selected the college coaches who watched tryouts will be asking "Hey where is that kid" if they also are at Baltimore. For $200 I say that is a fair gamble if you believe your son can compete.