Originally Posted by Anonymous
I guess its easier to blame the coach, blame the freshman players on the team for an entire team loss. I guess it's 100% accurate that its the players from Igloo are losing the games for Syosset. I mean god forbid there are 30 plus players on the team that should be held accountable in practices and in games for stepping up. The coach wants to lose, wants to play favorites, doesn't want to put the best kids in, and wants everyone to complain. Sounds like you all know exactly what your talking about from a very narrow minded self centered, helicopter parent point of view. If your son is better he will play. If your son proves himself in practices and in games then he will play. If your son isn't playing enough I guess its easier to hide here and take cheap shots because you are extremely passive aggressive individual that would rather make excuses and put blame then actually see the truth. So here it is: if you want your son to play then they have to work harder, play smarter, execute more then other players. Its that simple, any other complaint is not helping your son. In fact your teaching him to be a poison to himself and others. And that is not how to build a team. Team mates want others to be successful, because its a true team sport that requires all players to play together and well, in order to win games. If your not a part of making the group a team, then your against the team. That is how simple it is.

While I agree with your post in theory, the problem is perception. If the HC was not affiliated with a travel program and he was playing a bunch of 9th graders while the team was losing, you can question his judgement but not his motives. like when a coach has a kid on the team. From what I have seen the 9th graders are neither the problem nor the solution for this years team. But the perception could be.