Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Parents line the pockets of the coaches who then pick their kids at these events. The club coaches also run showcases and make sure their own players always make the all star teams. How is a kid player of the game in every game he plays but then not make your all-star team? Answer: He plays for a competing club. The parents of the players getting preferential treatment think this all means their sons are destined for greatness. They strut around telling everyone who'll listen that their son was invited to this showcase, all star team or whatever. But then the kids get on the field and are exposed. How come the only all star teams they ever make are at events run by their own club? How come every "prestigious" team they make has their club coach as an evaluator or coach involved in picking the team? This is exactly what happened with the Nassau 2020 team. The only problem is Daddy can't buy you a win or make you more athletic. It is all "pay to play" now and really just a total joke.

Nonsense, the teams are based off of the try out, has nothing to do with the season.

LOL!!! your joking right. There were players that were selected to certain positions solely based on the name on the front of the jersey not on the back. Please dont assume people are naive. People are 100% keen to the fact that these events are mostly rigged by those evaluating the event. Most of the time its the coaches of certain programs that push their players through to the final team.