Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Turtles are the best team in the country at the 2017 grade for sure just like the 91 Xtreme (www.91xtreme.com) are the best 7th grade team in the country. also amazing to watch.

If 91extreme is the best team in the country and lost to the express terps one most wonder if the terps are the best team in the universe but they lost to the crabs so the crabs must be the best team in the galaxy........or, maybe they are all just good teams,

91 Extreme beat Express Terps 2 out of the 3 times they played this year and was 2-0 against the Crabs. They are each good teams, but 91 Extreme gets the nod for Spring/Summer 2013 - they have the better body of work: head to head record, overall record and number of tournaments won.

How are the Turtles the "best" team in the country when they lost three tourneys this summer? Including the Nat championship a few weeks ago/ (didn't even make into the finals!) ???? Other better teams from PA and MD. Even CA!