Originally Posted by Anonymous
Turtles are Express

Turtles are very good

Turtles are not "the best" not winning tournaments like they used to, which is why I said they peaked in 7th grade, they were better then!

There is plenty of nepotism on that team.

Usuaully success and nepotism do not go together. They must be one of the few organizations on the planet that's figured out how to make those two work. Or it could be that the rest of the talent pool is so fragmented that the nepotism formula can still work. Cudas also got away with alot of nepotism against weaker teams but it caught up to them over and over when they ran into teams with highly concentrated talent throughout the summer and likewise didn't win many tournaments. Democracy (ie. most talented kids no matter who they know or don't know) always wins in the long run over nepotism.