Congratulations to your son! Just a thought-maybe your son got the look due to the years of training with Express. Maybe he would not have been quite the lacrosse player had he not been trained by them. My son is much younger and we are not in that process yet. However, my experience with Express has been very positive. My son needed the proper training so he could break bad habits that the town team father coaches didn't realize they were instilling to no fault of their own. They were doing the best they could, but just didn't know any better. As for the high school coach being an advocate for his players, that truly depends on the coach. The high school my son will go to, the coach has his select favorites and advocates for only a handful. Luckily, the boys that did play club got scholarships from D1 schools because of their club teams and with zero help from a coach that didn't see their talent. Good luck to your son.