Originally Posted by Anonymous
all of what you said is your opinion. . . and as the old saying goes, "opinions are like ***holes, everyone has one". However, your statement about the chairs is completely incorrect. The boys decided, (on their own) to go and watch "their friends" on both the Express and Team LI play each other. The majority of the boys on "all 3 teams" all know each other, and have played with/against each other, and attended summer camps together since they were in 1st grade. It is sad that a great show of "support" by a group of 11 yr olds for their "friends" could be ruined and degraded by your uninformed falsehood. The problem is NOT the boys, it's parents like YOU who open their mouth and have NO idea what the truth is. Please do us all a favor, verify your information before you spew your poison in the future. FYI - 91 chairs are BLUE this year. . . keep an eye out on a sideline near you to see the new improved design.

I happen to have some insight into this topic.My information is verified. I happen to be a parent of a player that had a choice on what team they wanted to play for.I had a choice.Poison it is not.So here goes. The boys are all great kids BUT the product of some over zealous parents that are incapable of behaving. I witnessed the 91 obnoxious behavior of SOME parents when they screamed, yelled, and get in the face of opposing parents.We all know it to be true and some of our kids have been put in bad situations because of it.As the parent of children that will be playing for many more years I can only hope that the sparks subside as all the children find success in whatever they choose to do. I hope the bad blood somehow fades as time goes on.Good Luck to all the boys this upcoming season.By the way this is a Express thread...so Good Luck to all the Express teams this season!