Originally Posted by LaxMom1310
Express listed 5summer tournaments for 4th grade up. What will the tournament situation be for 3rd grade in 2013? Will there be 5 also or will they be doing like 91 2nd grade and have a reduced tuition for the younger kids?

I have a 3rd grade son that is a decent laxer...I have spent some time looking at the options...as best I can tell all of the programs cost about the same, some are all-inclusive and some are a la carte. Look what Igloo is offering for 3-4 graders...fall league play and practice, winter league play and practice, spring league play and pratice plus summer practice and 5 tournaments plus a great package of gear. Igloo even lays out the cost per item...take that information and compare it to what you get elsewhere. dont be fooled by cheaper programs chances are they arent offering off-season training, or league play is additional etc.