I don't think that all the non "A" team coaches are inferior, so why discriminate and pay an "A" team coach differently than a "B" team coach. Besides, don't some of these guys coach multiple teams at multiple levels especially the directors, I don't think they change their coaching style or performance as a coach at least I hope not. With the amount of money coming into this organization, I think there is enough to make everyone happy and still charge tiered pricing. The cost went up dramatically in one year, probably $800 per player. $800 x 20 teams (minimum) x 25 players = are you kidding? We are worried about how we are compensating the coaches?? Does the same teacher make more or less money if they teach an AP math class one period and regular math class the next? This is not about the great coaches and who they coach, they will be there as long as the organization is around, it's about the kids and exposure and hopefully recruitment. Simply put, a 7th grade athlete is not being recruited the same way an 11th grade athlete is nor does an "A" team player get the same exposure in the same grade on a "C" team. They attend different tournaments, which demand different amounts of money, and draw a different amount and level of college coaches. Let's be real, if an "A" and a "C" team attended Tristate, where are the college coaches looking first and possibly never giving "C" the time of day. Are they looking at the teams competing at the top level or the tier 3 team?