Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Nothing like this had happened in the past. There is no what have they done in the past. Worst things happening in the past is a tournament getting cancelled for bad weather. Usually another tournament is added or a new date is added. This is half the season being wiped out for a global virus. The right thing is to get a half refund for missing half the season. Will the right thing be done? That’s the magic question.

Half? Please, we have 3/4 of an uniform and 3 fall tourneys.....how does that equal to over $3,000? Hope he has a good bankruptcy attorney because the law suits will be coming.

I really hope it does not come down to that. I pray Coach C is right and they can pull this off in August. I don't see how but it is the best income.

Charging the last payment is the last straw for many Express families. We have endured years of mis-management, hungover college age coaches, 1.5 hour scrimmage with a ref as a replacement for a tourney, over sized rosters, being placed in tourneys that we had no business being in and Coach C giving up coaching my son's team mid season. It is all business from now on......provide services or issue refunds.

Believe it or not you got more than most clubs for your money. Looks like an extra tournament and a uniform more than my kid.