Originally Posted by Anonymous
Here is the email:

Express is finalizing our summer plans! We have practice fields lined up and are just awaiting the official green light to take the fields again!

Overall the Summer Season is still scheduled albeit with many amended event dates, including a push out of the season into August. We anticipate the amended schedules to be finalized by next week. In addition, we are working with other area Clubs to arrange games locally to ensure competitive opportunities limiting the need for travel and hotels.

In order to help the boys prepare for the season we will be sending out a virtual spring practice schedule. This will include online skill and position workouts with instruction by The Express and college coaches.

While we are moving forward under the assumption that all teams will have a full summer schedule, we realistically understand each team's outcome may be unique. Therefore, at the end of the season we will examine each team's actual summer outcome and determine the need for credits for each team.

We recognize this is a stressful time for all. We are working hard to make summer lacrosse happen. In addition, we are working to ensure the boys stay positive and motivated with the anticipation of coming together in person soon.

One Additional Note for High School Teams!
Event organizers have agreed that all games will be professionally filmed. Games films will be available for distribution to college coaches.



What if you don't want to risk yourself or your kid getting coronavirus over the next 3-5 months? Can we say we are done for this year and get a credit. Not sure if you noticed but every other sport, school etc is shut down for the forseeable future. I'm guessing you have no testing plan setup so every kid and parent that will be at the field is COVID free. No hard feelings and will gladly be back when its safe but we have paid too much money to settle for virtual training. I have mobile devices that have tons of youtube videos already.