Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
11-10 st Mary’s is in a dog fight with a crappy public school. MIAA isn’t as tough as we thought. ST M has played their starters the whole game. Even if we lose you all look like stink holes. I can’t stop laughing. LFG Falcons!

Sure it isn’t tough.

Moral Victories don’t count.

SP can’t finish.

Am I correct in my interpretation of a prior post that there was no shot clock used in St. Mary's vs. SP game??
College rules are not allowed when public schools are involved.

Certainly going into a "slowdown" helped them. There is usually an explanation to these things. I wonder how SP would fare if they knew they had to play 6 more games similar to that over the next 3 weeks??? No games off. No cupcakes until the state championship game-and even then maybe a cupcake if its anything like 2021....

I was at all of the four games and don't have a dog in the fight. MIAA teams looked more lackluster (over confident) in the second games after the shock and awe of their first game onslaughts . Also credit the public school coaches for adjusting their game plans (no shot clock means slow it down) in the second set of games. Also kudos to the kids from Broadneck and SP who were clearly embarrassed by their first outing and responded with a great second game effort. Do I believe Broadneck and SP could compete in the MIAA if they adjusted their pace of play...absolutely.....They are lulled to sleep/get complacent by all of the crappy teams they play...Steel sharpens steel... In the old days, the best public schools were in the same League as the best privates. State bureaucrats and politically correct thinking took that away from the kids.