Originally Posted by Anonymous
Maybe instead of worrying about the school’s agenda, you should worry about your own ability to form coherent sentences. And yes, it is the school’s job to teach kids to be tolerant and supportive of differences. Those ate life lessons and serve kids well out in the world. A quarter of the population is g@y. So just treat people with respect and be glad our educators want to do the same. It could be your kid in that classroom silently suffering. Don’t be such a di@k.

Gilman or MCD parent???

First, I want to say that I agree with the guy. tolerance of difference (all kinds of differences) is important and is a learned skill. More compassion in the world is a good thing. High school Kids are generally too self centered and immature at this age to realize this type of stuff. Its the type of perspective you obtain only after seeing someone like your own kid get treated poorly by someone else.

I'm just curious about the 25% claim. I can't help but think that number has to be way overstated merely because the world population is growing. It would be interesting to know what the breakeven % point is for where the population growth remains constant. I am making no claims. Just curious from an macro-econimic perspective. any ideas?