Originally Posted by Anonymous
Is the CHC goalie issue a sign of a bigger issue/problem happening behind the scenes? I have also noticed many of the top players don't pan out in college. Some do others struggled beyond lacrosse.

Not looking ridiculous responses, just wondering how the sport may be changing and affecting player behavior.

Some of it are individual issues with the kids.

Some of it is symptomatic of being a successful program.

And some of it are self inflicted wounds.

Kids are kids, they will make mistakes.

Success breeds lots of kids wanting to play for your program. And you can’t control everyone who shows up.

But sometimes discipline issues occur when you recruit everyone, not just the right-fit kids. Simply for the sake of keeping promising players away from other competitive programs.

Sometimes you believe your own hype - that your program has a “great culture” because you win. Not always the case. As a fellow teacher told me when I started in the profession- “Good grades do NOT always mean good kids.”