Originally Posted by Anonymous
Coach Lilly- Let us get real here. 2-8 gets you fired. Yes STM is a proud org. Yes STM is going through a down period, but not 2-8 down. This was coaching. People want and expect results. Coach saw the writing on the wall and started firing people off his staff to deflect the blame. I get it, everyone wants to blame everything and everyone but the coach. It takes a strong Org to make tough changes. Buts lets be real 2-8 got you fired. Quick review for the slow ones- 2-8 Coach Coach Coach! Kids drinking on bus in coaches presence, Coach Coach Coach! lax Awful recruiting, Coach Coach Coach! Out right loss of respect from kids, parents, school, Coach Coach Coach! Funny that he didn't fire any of his family from his staff???? But why would he when they write such nice comments on this forum about him!! 2-8 Baby, that's what is all about, nothing else. Not the parking, not the uniforms, not the weather, not his kids. He went 2-8. Yes that gets you fired at STM.

Sure 2-8 is a terrible year. 6 straight playoff appearances for a school who doesn’t put money into lacrosse aint bad. I don’t know maybe its time for a change but is the answer the owner of Prostart who got demoted this year for never showing up to practice … probably not. The Saints will be back but its gonna take awhile…