Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
FOs ruin the game. Do it like basketball. After goals start on end line and clear it.

Ridiculous post

Right. It’s ridiculous to involve the team with fundamental skills (catching and passing) after a goal rather than one person using a specialized stick and skill that bares no relation to actually playing the sport. Let me guess, your son is a fogo (and probably holdback).

A goalie stands in a circle the whole game with a specialized stick. How is putting your body in front of a shot less of a "Skill" than using hand-speed, strength and angles to win a ground ball, run it to safety and pass it to one of your offensive players with a bent head? So now your entire argument revolves around the importance of skills required to block a shot vs the importance of skills required to gain your team a ton of extra offensive possessions? Really, just a dumb, naive argument.

I think goalies ruin the game, why have one player who is using a stick that is too big and bares no relation to actually playing the sport. I think that since many games are played in football stadiums, they should balance the goal on top of the goal post and the players have to make shots like basketball.