Originally Posted by Anonymous

The point the original poster was making is slipping away here. Regardless of 2017's, HB's etc... 91 Xtreme claims to be the best team but yet 9 kids from other clubs went before "the best teams" kids. Point is, you don't need to be on a team who is "undefeated"; you need to be with an organization who can get your recruited and the numbers tell me DUKES, SWEETLAX AND EXPRESS are doing a better job.

you might be suffering from a case of premature egacpostingulation - lets see where Extreme is after Duke and the Ivy's start announcing commits - you have 2 Hopkins and a Maryland announced already add 3 Duke and 3 Ivy's and you have the making of a nice recruiting group - and don't think for a minute that teams get kids recruited, they put you in the correct position to get recruited, the kids get themselves recruited.