Originally Posted by Anonymous
can some one post to 2019 what and when we should expect things to happen.

Who we should hear from or how we get our sons to attend the top Evaluations.

I hear about 3d, I hear about going to Florida, I hear about Jake Reed.

How do we start this process and who is out there to talk to. My son is on a top tier team and a focus player. I just want BOTC outline for this new landscape many of the 2019 parents and families will be entering
Good advice in other response to your quesiton above. Showcases that matter: Philly Freshman Showcase - Fall of Freshman year, Maverik Showtime (best by far) in summer after freshman year, Adrenaline Black Card. Would punt on 3D Blue Chip (in winter to get to Jake Reed) and take your chances on a direct invite your son;s freshman year. JR is no longer what it once was. Would only go to prospect days where college coach spoke to your son's club coach or H.S. coach and told them they want your son there and is a school you/your son may be inertested in. Lastly, like the advice in another response, play for the best club team possible who goes to the best tournaments and have advocates who support your son. The best advice I have received is that there is only so much you can do to help support your child, ultimately it is up to them and how they play assuming they are at the better venues. Relax and enjoy, if your kid is good enough they will get noticed.