Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
You and your wife matured late so you left your kid back for sports?? You are a lunatic! Leaving a well adjusted, academically stable 10 year old is not good for anyone!!

And nice try with the gym thing, but just ran NYC marathon in November and haven't had hair in 15 years to go grey!! Interesting you stereotype people who play their kids at proper age group?

Interesting that you have figured out he was well adjusted and academically stable - or that the decision was based on sports you judgmental arrogant bald twit

and this is the problem.

You led him to that conclusion. Two sayings come to mind.
* Lead a horse to water he should drink. if he doesn't is he trueloy a horse or a donkey!

* If it smell like chicken - taste like chicken - your chicken!

I'm not bald and have embraced the grey hair and actually like it.

in original post you said you haven't had hair in 15 years and now you are saying you are not bald, am I missing something?