Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
FACT: The decision that the parents of the NOW 2019 Goalie playing for the Express A team, who was the 2018 goalie for years, did it to give their son an advantage.

FACT: The boy made Chaminade after taking the 2014 CHSEE exam. So no academic deficiency there.

FACT: No physical size deficiency.

FACT: Not as good as the current 2018 Express goalie, or he would be starting, playing and finishing each and every game.

FACT: Chaminade coaches are Express connected.

Keeping back the boy to now and reclassify him as a 2019 goalie gives him the advantage to play on the Freshman team, on the JV team as a sophomore and he will sit behind the Sr. goalie in his junior year.

Express was aware of this decision, Chaminade was aware of this decision.

I hope the boy has big shoulders to burden this load-everyone in the lacrosse community on LOng Island knows.... his current 2019 teammates know, his 2018 teammates know, the other clubs

NOT FAIR ..... NOT FAIR.......

Do not respond that life is unfair. I am aware. I am just pointing out what some people might not know.

If it is fair to reclassify your son, it is fair to let everyone know about it.

Fact: You are making anonymous posts on a public forum about something that is none of your business.

Fact: You are making anonymous posts on a public forum about a situation and declaring facts on what is your opinion.

Fact: you are a jack A$$

-peter ochs (not anonymous)

Ps. please let us know who you are so we can scrutinize your personal decision on a public forum anonymously and pass judgement on you.

Fact: kid and his parents are cheating low life losers. Great example how to teach your kid how to cheat to get ahead. We all know how that turns out for most people.

Do you need a hanky?