Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Absolutely 100% true! I wonder how these teams as well as Dukes, Crabs, FCA and others would fair against other teams from LI with mostly 99's and 98's. Ya know, like just about any LI 2017 team. I think we all know how that would play out. Please, can't have the age discussion again on this thread. We all know the deal. Not one of these teams could beat or compete the top 2018 LI teams without their holdbacks/double holdbacks and re-class kids. Just shake your head and move on. Nothing will change until this all goes age based, until then it's a joke to compare these teams.

This is very Fox News of you to make all your arguments and then say we can't have this discussion again. Unless the creators tell us otherwise 2018 is a grade based thread not an age based thread so unless somebody wants to start a birth year 2000 thread we need to discuss kids and teams graduating HS in 2018.

now you can stop the discussion

Couldn't agree more.

It's cheating.

Wow! You just can't stop whining... just keep telling yourself "A Cheaters Gonna Cheat" and get off the subject and get back to what the thread is about, 2018 Graduating year.