Originally Posted by Anonymous
1. Spalding.....Getting most of Hawks kids, lower tuition than other area Privates
2. Loyola......Good chance to get on field....cheaper tuition, good education.
3. BL....Great tradition, attracts lacrosse kids, but some not willing to take chances with National recruiting.
4. STM....Spalding leftovers
5. MCD.....Parents don't want to send their kids to be indoctrinated with Woke agenda
6. CH.....Poor man's BL.....Too much competition locally and nationally
7. Gilman.....see #5

STP, JC, SJ.....Why bother.

STM —-Spalding leftovers have you seen the list of D1 players that come from STM??! Spalding was a one hit wonder last. Back to the bottom of the barrel going forward. BTW that new public school across the street from Spalding looks great. Who sends their kids to private school in glen burnie……..