Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
There are holdbacks on B division teams.

And every other division in between.

Lies, as a former coach in the know, who knows the majority of coaches in HOCO, all divisions, this simply isn't true. But go ahead with your fake news. I'm sure it makes you feel better.

Hilarious - 'coach' you can not be this naïve?? May want to check those rosters again!! I know for a FACT there are kids in both AAA and AA that are not on age!!!

You don't need to call me coach, but I'm in the know pal. There are ZERO in AA and maybe a few in AAA and not for athletic reasons. Get a grip, only reason your son in elite is because you held him back and you're all for it, if not he would be a bench warmer. Good luck though! Crabs 2 years ago ZERO HOCO wins. Now talk of the town and everyone knows why.

Jumping in on this conversation. I have a hold back son on a AA team. He is playing the sport for fun not for a D1 ride. So Pal, you're wrong.

You need to jump into some Reading Rainbow like you jumped into this conversation. The comment before yours says "not for athletic reasons."

Since hooked on phonics worked for me, my son is in the AA. That person said ZERO are in the AA. Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension.