Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I am scratching my head as to why two players that good would move from DCE to MadLax. I do not have a son on either team, but I thought I knew the 2026 age group fairly well. It appeared from both teams' HoCo performance (both W/L records, and watching the teams play) that DCE was on the way up and MadLax was in decline. All reports are that DCE has better coaching at the 2026 level. I was hearing rumors that top MadLax, NextLevel, and VLC players all were trying to join DCE, and I know that some guest played with DCE this summer. And whenever I watched DCE play, those two got plenty of playing time. And starting in HS, MadLax becomes a revolving door for national players, so no matter how good you are, you frequently will be sharing time with some ringer from Texas, North Carolina, etc. So to an outside observer this move makes little sense - what am I missing?

Parents Egos

👆 DCE is still on the way up.