Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Hawks Parents: Congratulations for your boys going undefeated this weekend. They played incredible: face off and goalie play was top notch.

Hawks Parents: There is absolutely no reason you all have to be so obnoxious on the sidelines. You are giving your kids bad reputations when they are really phenomenal athletes.

Well said. Lacrosse is a small world, and your son’s names are becoming known, and you are giving them bad reputations that will stick with them in HS and college.

Exactly. If they are not already, all of the Hawks kids are going to start getting looks from prospective colleges either directly or indirectly by simply playing on a top 3 team. When these recruiters come out and sit on the sidelines with you, I would strongly recommend you and the other parents be on your best behavior. If I were to have to choose between two fairly evenly-matched prospects I will choose the kid whose parents did not stand out (in a negative way) during games 100% of the time.

Coach here: spot on. When someone contacts me about prospectives, the very first question they ask me is "what are the parents like" or "tell me about the parents". Every time.