Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
These attempts at rankings are such a waste of time. The post earlier that teams can and will beat each other on any given day has played out pretty clearly this summer. Big props to Express for winning WSYL and for the Tigers handling their business to get to the finals. Most of the games were battles with great lacrosse. I expect that to continue to be the case at NLF. Whoever is “#1” is going to have to work like heck to stay there and those trying to dethrone will need to work like heck to do it. Having parity is good for our sons and great for the immediate future of the game. Good luck to everyone the rest of the summer.

The parity in the top 10 is truly impressive.

Correct. At all the major tournaments it seems like Express and Tigers are battling out the final. So that is a change. And Sweetlax seems to be right there to. Hawks slow game is hurting them. Will they be able to compete with a shot clock? Seems like Blackops is now the top MD team. Seems like the top regional teams are the power houses. Express from LI, Tiger from Philly, Sweetlax from Upstate NY, and Blackops from MD. Can another emerge?

Didn't Hawks just win NAL? over Express?