There have been several comments here about teams trying to circumvent WSYL rules by joining clubs and making all star teams. Specifically Black Ops.

If you read the rules that are in question, it does appear they are in violation of that rule. But in all seriousness, could this team have even entered the WSYL without the WSYL board knowing how the team was formed? If I understand correctly, the Black Ops team hasn’t attempted to hide anything. They clearly state the 13 and 14U teams are made up of multiple clubs.

If Black Ops will be disqualified from playing in July, what happens to all of the other teams who brought on players from other clubs? I would imagine that would disqualify several teams and cause a major disruption in how the WSYL games are organized.

If someone can state with 100% confidence that Black Ops and others have some how snuck past the WSYL board, then please let this us know. Otherwise, let’s put this one to bed.

And while we’re putting things to bed, can we all agree to stop complaining about the Hawks’ holdbacks? It was made very clear this weekend how few holdbacks they have and they are arguably the best 2026 team in the country. And no, I am not a Hawks parent.