Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Updated rankings from US Club lax. 3d NE is now ranked first, looks like they are pulling game data every week and updating the rankings.

They have played 1 ranked team (ranked 40th)

Every team they have played will be ranked. They need at least 5 games to be included. It gets updated once a week on Saturdays. They played Laxachusetts black 4 times. Laxachusetts will be ranked 8 or 9 next time the rankings come out.

If it is just a math formula, then the math formula wont take into account what a teams ranking 'will' be one day, it will only calculate on what a teams ranking is now.

Click on the team...every team has a "rating". They just aren't "ranked" yet. They use the "rating" even though the team isn't ranked. Once they get 5 official results, they get ranked. But it still able to calculate an accurate rating.