Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Dear club coaches,

You don’t like the way your team is performing, the team YOU chose at tryout time, then do YOUR job better and coach better instead of taking the easy way out by replacing half your team. YOU chose your team. You expect loyalty from them, you demand respect from them. Give them the same in return.


My son plays on a top team in the area. A few years ago there was mutual interest in a very good player from another local team. The player's current team was going through a coaching change and the player's parents said they wanted to see how things went and would decide after the fall if he would make the switch. Coach told him that we dont work like that. You're either in from the start or tryout next year. I knew my son was in the right spot when I heard that.

Spot on. That is how a club should act and how a family should by representing themselves by respecting the club/coach and other players. If the clubs would just have an adult understanding about team construction but we all know they don't and what we get is the wild wild east. If we could have more parents

Does anybody know and care to share what actually was offered to the kids potentially displaced in this situation?

10+ kids were told to either go to the B team or become a "practice player" with no option to play in a game this summer. Next Level Red (B) is ranked #226 in the country. Wonderful option for the kids who can't do anything about it in Feb. They are better than the B team by quite a bit. I dont care what people say about "maybe they should have worked harder". NO. These are good players who deserve better and are way better than the Next Level B team. Horrible decision made by the club owners.
Pretty telling re the Madlax parents too. How do they think they’ll be received by the 15 families who just saw their friends get hosed? This team is gonna struggle Bigtime on the sideline for the foreseeable future

They are being received very well by the best players and their parents. The ones that are sick of losing,

It’s not like ML 2026 exactly has a reputation for winning. They embarrassed themselves in HoCo last spring. In tournaments they typically get the traditional easy MadLax first day pool and then get killed in the playoff round. And these particular players’ families think that it was their former coaches and teammates holding them back from success. Sure, if I was a NL family I would love this bunch to be my savior.