Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I'm hearing a lot of news from my son and his friends about movement among DCE, NextLevel, MadLax, and VLC. It will be interesting to see final rosters.

Who gained/lost?

MadLax lost a few starters to NL and DCE. DCE lost a starter to ML. And a few contributors moved across each - one NL to ML, 2 DCE to NL. So lots of movement. Although not sure about VLC.

If MadLax lost "a few starters," then they are the net lost in the short term. But the MadLax model is to replenish with holdbacks and fly-ins so they will be fine. NextLevel is probably the overall net winner. They used to be the weakest of the four, but are pulling even or at least close. That was inevitable; good coach, good program, and available spots for good players. VLC retained all its starters and upgraded its bench, so they are a net winner too. DCE had a lot of talent to start with and is skimming from MadLax, so they now need to worry about how to get everyone on the field. They will probably lose a player or two to NextLevel and/or VLC as the dust settles during the fall.

Here is a word of advice (no, it is not hit the wall) - it is fun this time of year to talk about how your son's team is doing in recruiting but the more important question is how your son himself is doing. All four of those teams have players who are on the upswing and having fun and getting tons of playing time, and all four also have boys wondering why they can't get on the field and complaining how the coach is so unfair. Headed into 9th grade you don't want to be in the latter group. Focus on your son being in the right place, not the comings and goings around him!

You have no idea what you are talking about. Your analysis of the four teams is completely wrong. You are not in the know.