Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I heard Rage was on the naughty list and Santa Hogan wasnt happy about it

I thought that Hogan sold the Hawks, so why would Rage and lumber boy be his problem anymore?

Please! Wonder how long Hogan will be running things after the buyout.

Part of the buy-out includes Matt running things for a while. Its kind of like when Dana White sold the UFC. He got a wad of cash but kept control. "Rage" is not on the naughty list. The money keeps coming in so everyone is happy from the overlords on down. A couple of losses to Long Island teams do not affect the bottom line. People will still pay several thousand dollars for 'the Hawks experience." As long as that stays true, Rage is on the Nice list. Besides, who else are they going to get to coach the team without losing all of the key players?!

Thank you. Assumed that was the case but hadn't seen any details.