Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Word on the street was Express FOGO and top Midfielder from WSYL weren't there? And didn't Express win 10-3 in the quarterfinals of the WSYL? Rankings are about right, maybe Towerman move from 7th to 6th. Sounds like they are getting a little ahead of their ski's.

FOGO hurt again?

They were rolling him out there at WSYL limping and taking a beating even after they were way up. I was a little surprised, but figured he wanted to be in there and deserved the spotlight. Just hope he didn't make things worse for himself and will be in at NLF.

As been said on here before — the rankings are pretty pointless. There are 6-7 teams that could beat each other for a number of reasons on any given Sunday. And another 10 teams that could beat the "top teams" if they don't bring their A game. It's good for the game and fun to watch.