Originally Posted by Anonymous
How you play against who you play is just as important. BBL has a bunch of 1 goal wins against teams, that if they were a better team, would have won by more. They have a bad loss against FCA MD. Have you heard about "bad losses" before in RPI style rankings? Those bad losses can hurt a lot. You can't afford those close wins and bad losses to inferior teams. They also got blown out by LI Express...bad loss. They deserve to be where they are. As more scores go in, and as their past opponents get more results, you will see Alcatraz move lower and BBL move higher. But look at BBL's record as a whole and not just the "good wins" and "good losses". Man, you guys just don't get the fact that this is an algorithm...there is no human emotion involved, except when it comes to your thought process.
Dork store called...they are out of you! Algorithms are great to keep us entertained on a message board, but all that matters is what happens between the lines when the whistle blows. There will be fewer questions and many more answers following NAL this weekend. Good luck to all the area teams.