Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
2022 Elite Pre-Season Teams?
How many teams this year?

It is premature to say until teams have held tryouts and finalized their rosters. But I will give it a shot. Here are the ten spring HoCo teams in order of spring 2021 finish, and my predictions on whether they will be in Elite for spring 2022.

Hawks - In
Crabs - In
True - In
MadLax - In
VLC - In
FCA - Out
91 - In
Looneys - In, but they're gonna struggle
NextLevel - Out

8 teams total

My guess is that there is a good bit of movement from team to team this summer. And this is likely the year that any good players from the AAA teams jump to one of the teams above. I’m also not sure Ellie will drop back to 8. But who knows.

So it’s a bit too early for predictions. But it’s more fun to debate hypothetical rankings for teams that aren’t set than it is to hear people complain about holdbacks.