Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Yes, let's be fair, we all have good and bad sideline parents. But the 2026 Hawks have a core group of Dads that are consistently the worst, and they are the face of the team. They are a running joke.

A good lesson for other teams - rein in your obnoxious parents before they become your brand.

And by core you mean the two dads who have been fixated on, called out, and ridiculed - sometimes in the snobbiest and elitist way possible - on this board many times. Pounding that drum makes people feel better about themselves, but nobody on this board, including me, should feel empowered to decide who is good or bad, or some team’s brand.

As long as grown men mock youth players from the sideline, they will called low class. If you think that is elitist thinking, so be it.