Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Fall HoCo is hard to say, because I have no idea who is playing. I know of at least three elite teams not playing. As for spring, I would be willing to bet that just one team moves down from elite to AAA (NextLevel), and just one team moves up (Top Caliber). I expect that TRW Wolfpack would like to move up too, but there is probably only room for one, and TC nipped TRW by one goal in the AAA championship.

Next Level is not moving down to AAA

Not a whole lot of difference in AAA and AA. Good players and teams. Just no holdbacks. Cannons might have one of the best 2026 middies in any division.

TRW lost to AA Swarm in summer tourney, ouch.

Look for Koopers to make a late push in the next few years, and work their way up.

Thanks for making "other programs" relevant.

Tired of the Hawks, hawks, hawks, and what not taking up the whole board. Plenty of other talent and teams out there to discuss.[/quote]

You appear to be the only one bringing them up. Hawks dads have been quiet in here.