Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Has Looney's upgraded their face off game? Last year they lost practically every face off but kept their games close. If they had gone 50/50 or even 40/60 on faceoffs their win/loss record probably would have .500.

I’d bet they would have been well over .500. Didn’t they lose something like 8 1 goal games?

Niether of you understand metrics, statistics, or correlational relationships. There is no direct, significant statistical correlation between FOW% and game winning %. The only statistic that is proven to show significant statistical correlation to game winning % is outscoring the opponent.

Ahhhh not all stats or correlations are linear.

Your claim is true in every sport with a faceoff as long as there is "basic parity" in FO wins per game. If you are winning 40% instead of 60%, no statistically significant impact on points scored, points surrendered, or wins. No real impact on time of possession either!

However the correlation is non linear and "possibly significant" when the FO wins heavily favors one team. A team winning 90% of FOs is highly correlated with wins. The triggering win/loss percentage on FO is likely around 2:1 or 70/30, etc.

You can really go down the rabbit hole on "why" but generally if you lose 100% of faceoffs, you are not winning that game.

Loyola lost almost every face-off yesterday against Haverford and still won the game.

Thanks for the *but actually!* moment. How many games would Loyola win this season by losing 90% of faceoffs in every game.

That same kid went 80% earlier in the year and Loyola lost 9-4