Originally Posted by Anonymous
Hard to follow what you are saying, but BLC ends in 7th grade, and its teams transition to DCE in 8th grade. The 2026 class is wrapping up 7th grade right now, so that class will be trying out for DCE this coming August. The 2026 DCE team that will form in August will be loaded, because the incumbent 7th grade BLC team is already strong, plus players from MadLax, NextLevel, and VLC will be trying out. If your son is on the bottom half of the current BLC roster, you should be thinking ahead about options. Hope this helps.

I don’t see the mass exodus flocking to DCE as some here are predicting. Seems like wishful thinking by one or two people. Also is the idea that a bunch of highly skilled players show up and take spots of lower skilled kids? What happens when DCE takes a larger roster? I suspect less playing time for all…. At the end of day DCE 2026 will be same talent level as BLC 2026.

Yes, a few more will be on the roster, but they’ll definitely drop their lower 4-6 players. They do most years… loyalty isn’t exactly DCE’s strong point. They look more at who is better at this point in time rather than long-term player development.

Come fall DCE 2026 will have a 24-25 kid roster. Most kids on BLC are good enough going forward to earn a spot. Bigger team less playing time.

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